Time travel to the future

Hello everyone. I hope you have a great start of the year. In this first post of the year I will tell you about when in the future I would like to travel.

Some time ago I read a book about the future and what will be the great steps that are expected for humanity. Something that the book was about is the arrival of man on Mars, that would be incredible. It would be another big step for mankind, but it is something that is estimated in a few years. Another topic that the book dealt with was the capacity of mankind to extend its life and improve its quality of life. With all this introduction, I would like to travel in the year where humanity has managed to overcome these obstacles, where travel to other planets is routine, where humanity is already able to live almost forever and know what would be the problems and new challenges of that humanity.

I would not know exactly what year it would be, but it could be the year 2100 or more. At that time I would be 105 years old, my goodness! The place I would like to see would be the country that in that year would be a world power, which could be China.

The idea of being able to travel to that time is incredible. To see what the world will be like, to know the culture they have, to listen to their music, among many other things. However, I would not be able to stay in that future, because I would feel uncomfortable and scared of the things I don't know about that time.


  1. Hi, I think we would like to see a very similar future, I would like to see almost a science fiction movie but not fiction anymore.

  2. Hello
    I understand you, I could not stay in the future.

  3. Hi, I feel that it is so uncertain the future as far as travel off planet earth is concerned but I hope that at some point it can be achieved.

  4. Hi! from what I've seen in the movies, traveling through time is never a good idea


  5. Hi. What an interesting year! There are many movies that talk about it, perhaps that panorama is not so much alike.

  6. woooow we think similar dates hahaha, I would also like to be in 2100, I think it will be a very important date for humanity in general.

  7. I was also planning to travel to 2100, it´s very interesting haha


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