My future job

Personally I like the idea of helping people by advising them on the actions they should do in their lives to have good health and avoid the modern diseases of these times, but I also like science and being able to help people who already present applying the knowledge that I am acquiring. It is because of this that I am studying chemistry and pharmacy.

Honestly, I wouldn't spend so much time working in an office just doing office work. I am more attracted to the idea of working with a medical team to advise with health issues. I would like to work outdoors, but my future profession is not much of that style.

I would love for my future job to pay for travel so that I can do studies or specializations that are necessary for the job.

As I mentioned before, I am studying chemistry and pharmacy, but I don't plan to do a major, maybe one in pharmacology. For now I am not interested in a major, because I don't find it necessary.

Lately I have been thinking about the other areas of my profession in which I could work in the future. The first one is in the industrial area, it looks fun and interesting, but most of these industries are far away from where I live. The second one is the assistance area, I like this area much more, because I wouldn't spend a lot of money to deliver necessary medicines in exchange for money. Finally, I have in mind the research area, but if I have that possibility I would make it abroad.


  1. Hi Benjamin, the good thing about our career is that it has many areas to develop.

  2. Hi! I liked the part that says you like the idea of helping people, I also study chemistry and pharmacy and I came to the conclusion that many of us can identify with it.

  3. Hello Benjamin, from what I see you like to help people and that is admirable, I hope that in the area you choose you can feel very good.

  4. Hi! I'm also studying chemistry and pharmacy, and I'm not 100% sure about my major either, I think that's the difficult thing about studying a career with so many fields of work hahaha.

  5. Hi Benjamin, I'm the same as you, for the moment I don't want a major, but in the future I might.

  6. For further comments and feedback on your writing, please refer to the Rubric published in the U-Cursos Platform.


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