Hello everyone, sadly this is the last post of the semester.

This post will be related to the changes I would make to the curriculum of my career.

In general, I believe that the courses that my career has fulfill the function of instructing us in the subject of pharmaceuticals and in a remarkable way. They also teach us the important topics related to regulations, laws and our role as a future professional.

However, I think that there is a lack of more social branches, which help us to have a better attention and a better quality of relationship with the patients. Also, I have the idea that the first two years of the career, the first two years, are branches that are called common plan, but most of them are related to content that we saw in school. Although I understand that these courses are for all students to be able to understand the contents later on, I believe that these 2 years are dispensable and could be eliminated and thus have a shorter career. This could be implemented in the other professional careers, but I know that it is an issue that is in the hands of the ministry and it is complicated.

On the other hand, we have the issue of the academic load, but on this issue I believe that, if one goes to the current curriculum, the load is not heavy, it is only necessary to have an order and schedule for each activity. However, I also keep in mind that we all have problems outside the university that alter this order and schedule, which makes the workload harder.

The part that I would definitely change is the infrastructure of the university, which is pitiful. There are several leaks that need to be repaired, a library adequate for the number of students and a computer room adapted to the needs of the university.

  Finally, the issue related to the teaching method, I think it is adequate in the first years, but in the higher years it becomes more difficult to have a teaching method that works for everyone. However, the work of the professors and assistants to create tools so that all students can learn is noticeable.


  1. I also believe that there is a lack of more social branches, which help us to have a better attention and a better quality of relationship with the patients.

  2. I also think that the races should be shortened more, but they lengthen them unnecessarily just to get more money.

  3. I also think we need more branches of a social nature.

  4. Hi, I strongly agree with the need to change the infrastructure, it is necessary to
    pd. we put the same photo in the blog jjajajajajajaj

  5. Hi!I didn't know about the infrastructure problems! I hope it can be solved especially the library and computer room are very important.

  6. Hello, until you mentioned the lack of social branches I had not thought it, but I consider that this could be a very good agreggate to the career

  7. hello, I also believe that one must have an order and schedule for each activity but one has to allocate time to other things like working, spending time with family and having a social life, that is why I believe that every student makes sacrifices to cope with the current academic load.

  8. Hello
    I agree with you regarding the infrastructure issue, I would also add many more green areas


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