Childhood Series

When I was a child I watched several television series. I remember that in the mornings before going to school I used to watch "31 minutes". I remember that I laughed a lot at the jokes they made and their songs. At that time I didn't understand many of the themes they referred to, but as I got older I realized the criticisms and teachings they were trying to transmit.

At one point in my childhood, I remember that they contracted cable TV and I got to know a lot of series. Several of these series I watched on the "etc" channel. I remember, like most kids, watching dragon ball z, zodiac knights, pokemon and even sailor moon. I think watching those series conditioned my orientation to watching anime as a teenager.

Nowadays, the series I watch, if I have time, have more complex plots or content. The one that comes to my mind is the rick and morty series and, like what happened to me when I watched "31 minutes", I laugh a lot at the jokes they make about society or scientific topics. I also watch the occasional popular series to have a topic of conversation with friends.


  1. Hi! I think that "31 minutos" is the best of the chilean cartoons, I also laughed a lot with it

  2. hello! i remember that i watched 31 minutes every morning on the weekends and i am very agree that is veery funny until today, and also i didnt know etc channel but i watched pokemon on cartoon network and it was one of my favorites

  3. Hi! I loved 31 minutos, the songs were so good!

  4. Hi, I also remember watching Sailor Moon in my childhood and when it was on TV after school.


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