My best holiday

Honestly, I'm not interested in going to concerts, even if I'm a big fan of a band. I've been to a few small concert, but never a massive concert. That being said, I will tell you about my best holiday.  With my best friends we used to travel to a place near of Parral called “Bullileo”. 

When I was 15 years old was the first time I went with my friends. In that place we camped and it was the first time I did it, it was very fun and exciting. In Bullileo there is a very beautiful lagoon, maybe it has the clearest water that I have ever seen.  Bullileo has an area called “el escondido” that is a path that goes through 3 small waterfalls. The first one is quite simple, but the last 2 are a challenge. In the last waterfall there is a trunk where people, who manage to get there, write their name. 

At that time we were there for 1 week, where we did many other activities, but seeing those 3 waterfalls was the most memorable.


  1. Hi Benjamin! Travel with friends is a great adventure, the south of our country has many beautiful places to visit.

  2. Hi Benjamin, how great to go on vacation with friends! I've never done it because I'm afraid of being away from my parents! But the day I do it, I'll take into account the site you describe, it looks beautiful


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